Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Tokyo NECRO is out now from JAST

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>Now that Nintendo has graced us with their official non-answer, it is time to double down and hit back hard

we have allot in the works….

for instance I have made fliers, print them out, photocopy them, cut them into individuals, and distribute

try putting them out at a gamestop, or other game retailer (get permission from the owner first)


this was sent in by Rawky-Roo from the IGN boards

I’ve posted this in the other thread, but feel this might help as well:

I thought of something else we could do, although it could be tricky trying to make an impact.

Nintendo receives data on what games are being played and whats popular through the Nintendo Channel on the Wii. So why don’t we all get voting.

Here’s what to do:


– Download the Nintendo Channel onto your Wii Dashboard (its free)

– Once in the Channel, select the ‘Recommend Titles’ tab (the one with an image of an envelope.

– Select ‘Recommend Wii Software

Now the following depends on if you’ve played these games for at least 1 hour. Those games being:

No More Heroes
No More Heroes 2
Little Kings Story
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Monster Hunter Tri
Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies

If you have played those games or any other ‘niche’ type games then do the following:

– Select game from the list

– Answer the following questions: Your gender, age etc

– NOW THIS IS THE IMPORTANT BIT Rate each and every ‘Niche game’ you have to ‘Highly’.

– Say that this game appeals to ‘GAMERS’ and the ‘HARDCORE’

– Depending on the game say whether its better ‘With Friends’ or ‘Alone’

– Then Click ‘SEND’

Each vote a game receives will go towards it receiving a ‘Medal’. The Medals being Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Games that are very popular will receive these medals so lets try and get these ‘Niche games’ up to Platinum!


Let’s play some games!!

Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Muramasa, Fire Emblem. Whatever game you own, play the crap out of it. Everyone playtimes will be calculated together, bumping them up the ‘popularity charts’. We can even have a TvC session or something.

All this info will go directly to Nintendo, so they will see how popular these games are. Who’s up for it? Its free and doesn’t intrude on anyone.

more to come later in this post