>Our Child’s Play charity donations widget has expired.

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

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>When we set-up our widget we decided to make it a temporary thing and set an expiration date of August 31st.

The time has come, and the widget has expired.

In total we have donated $850.10 to the Child’s Play charityand I wnated to say to those who donated…

Thank You

I will be writing individual responses to those who donated to thank them for their charitable donations starting later tonight.

So the question now is… what to do now with charity in relation to Operation Rainfall… we’ll leave that up to you.

Make your voices heard… what do you want us to do next? post in our comments, tweet us (@oprainfall), e-mail us (oprainfall@gmail.com), or post on our facebook page… recommend charities, demand continued support for child’s play, tell us “NO MORE” if you are feeling particularly grinchy

We will pick the best ideas we are given and post a poll so you guys can vote on our next charitable move.

For those eager about our next campaign or initative, we have decided for now to focus on spreading the word of the games, and contacting Nintendo through e-mails, and on Facebook and such… we are holding off on any overarching larger initiatives for now, and taking a wait and see approach as sales data trickles out and events such as Nintendo’s fall conference and TGS play out.

The best thing you can do for us now is to continue spreading the word about us, and the games we petition for, and if you have not already, by doing the simple easy things most do when first signing up… like us on facebook, follow us on twitter and youtube, pre-order monado on amazon.com, and make your voice heard in all of those places and more.