Corrupted Save Podcast Episode 19: Speculation and Conjecture

Tuesday, November 27th, 2018

Tokyo NECRO is out now from JAST

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corrupted save


Disclaimer: The opinions of the corrupted save podcast is that of the author, and not that of Operation Rainfall as a whole.

Today on the corrupted save podcast:

The Pepultimate episode

For news:

  • Obsidian bought by microsoft
  • yelling at Sony and each other
  • Xi Jinping the Pooh
  • Emulation is a crime to people who don’t know what emulation isĀ (WITH funneh voices XD!!1!)
  • 13 Sentinels delayed INDEFINANTLY!!!!
  • Super Robot Wars now with less super robots
  • did you guiz know there is going to be a monster hunter movie?
  • FFXV a conspiracy theory

There is also:

  • Anime talk: is it a trap?
  • returning game, Lost in translation (forgot sorry)
  • Shout-outs and Shout-ats
  • What have you been playing?
  • question: when was the first time game technology impressed you

Well, we’re now distressingly close to the end of another year as we continue to waste the short amount of time we have on this earth yelling unsubstantiated theories about things we don’t really understand at each other, and you know what that means – it’s time for the Low Budget Awards! You, that’s right, YOU, the listener, can vote on nominations here, and then listen to us make fun of or maybe even laugh at your funny joke answers on the next episode! Vote here or in the comments below!

Categories-(two per category)

  • Sony Exclusive of the Year
  • Nintendo Exclusive of the Year
  • Microsoft (including Xbox and PC)
  • Exclusive of the Year
  • Multiplatform of the Year Game of the Year
  • Overall Blunder of the Year: Biggest Mistake
  • Cretin of the Year: Worst Person
  • Cancer of the Year: Worst Meme
  • Kemo of the Year: Best Meme
  • Anime of the Year
  • Waifu of the Year: Best Girl

That about does it for this episode take care and see you next time!

If you have any questions you’d like to pose to us leave them in the comments below (as we are quite awful at coming up with interesting ones of our own, SIMPLE ONES PLS).

You may like to follow the sites twitter @oprainfall to know when we start streaming games,

Be sure to subscribe to our itunes and soundcloud as well, it really helps us out.

About Mitchell Tromans

Famous internet personality loved all over the world for his quirky catchphrases and catchy quirks.
With Stylish Merchandise and godlike taste in anime and videogames he has decided to share his gifted opinions with the world so it may become a better place.