Building Character: Mirai

Tuesday, July 7th, 2015

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Senran Kagura | Mirai pose

The article contains light spoilers for both Senran Kagura: Burst and Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus

It’s time once again for another installment of your Building Character series. Here we take some of our favorite characters in games and anime and tell a little bit about them and why we think they are special. Today, I’m going to talking about one of the Senran Kagura girls, Mirai. Now Mirai may not be as endowed as the rest of the girls, but do not let her small stature fool you. There is a lot of character in that small body.

Mirai was bullied horribly in school by her classmates. She was bullied to the point that she didn’t want to see the world anymore. This is why she wears the eye patch with the red tomoe over her right eye. She wanted to block out part of the world that she hated. She eventually joined the Hebijo Academy, this school is for evil ninjas and will accept anyone. Here she hoped to find a place where she belonged and gain strength to go and extract revenge on all those that had  ridiculed her.

Senran Kagura | Hebijo

Soon after starting school at the Hebijo Academy she was taken under the wing of the other elite ninja girls in the class. The five of them soon became close, but due to an incident during a mission, Mirai decides to run away. The other girls search frantically for her. This leads to a very emotional scene were Hikage, of all people, showed some emotion. Mirai decides to go back to the academy. She soon learns that her quest for revenge is better served by her knowing that she is more powerful than they could ever hope to become because she has friends who love her and a place where she belongs.

While the core of Mirai’s story is a serious ordeal, some of her other character traits are quite humorous and show off another side of her. She will often make fun of the other girls who are not endowed, such as herself. Ryoubi is usually the target of this, and in Mirai’s defense she is smaller than her with AAA cup size, if that even counts. She also is constantly trying to prove she is grown up, which leads to a hilarious scene in Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus with Haruka’s unmentionables. She also cannot stand to be ignored.  She is usually the victim of this from Yagyu, who she tries to befriend but it’s not Hibari she is not interested most of the time.

Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus | Mirai Wishful Thinking

I love Mirai because her story is so relatable to a lot of us. We have been picked on for what we look like, our hobbies or in some cases even worse things. Most of the time we want to resort to force to solve these issues, but just as the story here shows, that is not always the best answer. Most of us just search for a place where we can be ourselves and be around people who accept us for who we are. So she may be be one of the least busty Senran Girls, but that doesn’t stop her from being one of my favorites.

About Steve Baltimore

Steve started with oprainfall not long after the campaign moved from the IGN forums to Facebook. Ever since, he has been fighting to give all non-mainstream RPGs a fair voice. As the site admin, he will continue to do this and even show there is value in what some would deem "pure ecchi." He loves niche games and anime more than anything... well, except maybe Neptune.