FFXIV Fanfest in Tokyo Showcases New Race, Job, Dawntrail Updates

The FINFAL FANTASY XIV FAN FESTIVAL 2024 in Tokyo kicked off today with a reveal of the full Dawntrail trailer, as well as a first look at t

Cooking Eorzea Week 42: Pizza

Closing out Cooking Eorzea for 2023, I write about New Year Resolutions and all about making pizza from scratch!

oprainfall Week in Gaming: Dec 10 – 16

Check out what the crew has been playing in our downtime!

Making It Rainfall Week 27: Link’s Winter Wonderland

Monday, December 16th, 2019

Celebrate the holiday season with Making It Rainfall!

Playasia WEEKLY SPECIAL: Senran Kagura: Peach Ball, and More

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019

The offer is only valid from September 3, 2019 – September 10, 2019, 11:59 (GMT +8)

E3 2019 Hands-On IMPRESSIONS: The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019

I go hands-on with The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening at E3 2019, and I find a faithful and nostalgic remake of the classic title.

2018 oprainfall Awards: Hottest Guy

Monday, February 11th, 2019

Ice cold competition

2017 oprainfall Awards: Hottest Guy

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

Majima pole dance FTW

PRICEFALL – GameStop Figures and PC Game Sales

Friday, October 21st, 2016

I'm here to eat up your shelf space with figures and this time none of them are from an anime.

Medicom Releasing Three New Link “Ultra Detail” Figures Next Year

Monday, August 29th, 2016

The prices aren't too shabby.

Fire Emblem Fates, Legend of Zelda, Mega Man And More Nendoroids Announced

Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

My wallet hurts just looking.

E3 Hands On: Is Breath of the Wild Zelda-Worthy?

Tuesday, June 21st, 2016

Does the delayed Breath of the Wild uphold the quality of the Zelda franchise when Hyrule is made into an open world and Link can now jump?

OPINION: The Idea of Gender Neutral Link

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

Discussing the idea of gender neutrality with the Legend of Zelda's protagonist Link.

New Hyrule Warriors Legends Video

Tuesday, January 19th, 2016

A new video has been released comparing how well Hyrule Warriors Legends plays on an older 3DS versus a New 3DS.

A Link Between Worlds Figma Pre-orders Open

Sunday, January 10th, 2016

Better act quickly...the pre-orders are only open for a limited time!

Mega Man, Marth, Kirby and Link Nendoroids Appear

Sunday, July 26th, 2015

Prepare your wallets if/when these release.

Hyrule Warriors Pre-order DLCs Arrive on Nintendo eShop

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

The Hyrule Warriors pre-order DLC packs have finally arrived on the Wii U eShop at 99 cents per pack, including the Demon King Costumes set

The First Paid Mario Kart 8 DLC Has Arrived

Friday, November 14th, 2014

The first Mario Kart 8 paid DLC arrived today, with Link and his Mastercycle, Tanooki Mario, and Cat Peach joining the race.

Nintendo Teases Master Cycle from Upcoming Mario Kart 8 DLC

Friday, October 17th, 2014

Nintendo Teases the new Master Cycle bike from the upcoming Zelda-themed Mario Kart 8 DLC pack that's coming sometime in November.

RETRO REVIEW: The Legend of Zelda

Saturday, September 13th, 2014

Let's take a look back at an 8-bit root in open-world gaming.

Nintendo Figurines by Max Factory to Re-release This Winter

Monday, May 6th, 2013

Are your inner collectors ready for some Link and Samus figurines?

OPINION: RPGs Aren’t What They Used to Be

Monday, August 27th, 2012

The past is meant to be preserved, not copied or abandoned.

UPDATE: Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon Delayed to 2013

Monday, August 13th, 2012

Mark your calendars.

Tokyo NECRO is out now from JAST

Look for us on OpenCritic!

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